About Us

JapanesePractice.com was created as a simple practice tool for its founder and their friends. While the basic principles of the tools are simple, we think they’re the cornerstone of basic language acquisition, simple repetitive practice.

The tools on JapanesePractice.com are all based on applying flashcard style practice with a simple interactive system. The tools keep track of what you get right and wrong and allow you to practice again and again. Each time you practice you have the chance to practice again with a whole deck or simply focus on the items you got wrong.

While there are a lot of other tools online to help you practice Japanese, we feel that we’re filling a much needed area of rote repetitive practice for vocabulary. You can’t make a sentence if you don’t know any words.

Our tools are 100% free, incredibly simple, and at least for us, very effective. If you like what we’re doing and want to support us you can do so by buying some affiliate products from the links below, or simply by allowing ads while you practice.

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